Beginners' Drawing Course

The object of this introductory drawing course is to introduce you to the basic technical components of making a work of art through the experience of drawing. You will explore a variety of drawing media and learn a range of drawing techniques whilst developing confidence and creative expression in visual form. Whether drawing a chair or animal the principles of drawing are the same and anyone can learn to draw.

Students explore different approaches to drawing. The abstract language of mark, line, tone and composition will be married to a pursuit of form, space and light. As the course develops, students start to set their own subject challenges through ambitious projects that develop over weeks into substantial bodies of work. They also consider more complex ideas of emphasis, feeling and meaning as they develop and strengthen their own drawing.

When: Tuesday 4th June – 25th June 2024

Time: 12:30 – 2:30 pm

How long: 4 sessions of 2 hours

Course Code: Q00014027

Cost: £0 - £33.60* FREE for those on benefits or who meet the WEA support criteria.

To enrol visit our website or call 0300 303 3464


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Victoria Park Green House
Victoria Park
United Kingdom

Address Geofield
POINT (-1.09417 50.798968)
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