Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy

1. Purpose 

1.1 We believe that the best way to improve is by learning from the people who we work with. We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from the people we come into contact with in our work. These help us to see what we aredoing well and where we can make improvements.

1.2 Whilst we make every effort to meet peoples’ expectations, circumstances may arise where an individual has a concern and wishes to bring this to our attention. We will take all reasonable steps to resolve the situation, in everyone’s best interests.

 2. Who this policy is for 

2.1 This policy applies to individuals (members of the public) and organisations wishing to comment on, compliment or complain about the performance of services, fundraising activities and the conduct of employees, volunteers, contractors and third parties working with or representing the HIVE. 

2.2 This policy does not apply to HIVE employees, secondees, contractors, consultants and trustees. In the event that they wish to make a complaint, they should refer to the relevant HIVE policies e.g. Grievance Policy, Whistleblowing Policy and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy as appropriate. 

2.3 This policy does not apply to volunteers, who may use the HIVE Volunteer Policy as well as the Whistleblowing and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy as appropriate. 

3 How you can contact us

 You can: • call us on 023 9400 7124. • email us at: • write to us at: The HIVE Portsmouth Ltd, Lower Ground Floor, CentralLibrary, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO1 2DX. Please include your name, address and contact telephone number in your email or letter so that we can get back in touch with you easily.

4. Complimenting us 

4.1 Compliments are valuable, and important to us. When they are received, theywill be recorded and reported on. Compliments enable us to: • Understand from our supporters and stakeholders what we do well and the positive difference this makes. • Provide positive feedback to our people – whether paid or unpaid. • Influence the continued development of what we do, why and how.

5. Commenting on our people or our work our people or our work 

5.1 It is always helpful to hear what people think about us; what we do and how. Compliments and comments are welcome because they: • Help to influence the organisational decisions we may make. • Help maintain the standards of our activities. • Raise issues of real importance and can lead to change for the better. 

5.2 Wherever we can, we will record and report, internally and externally if required, oncomments we receive. We will endeavour to acknowledge compliments and comments wherever possible but whilst this may not always be practicable, please be assured that they are always appreciated. 

6. Complaining about our people or our work 

6.1 We recognise that there will be times when our trustees, staff and volunteers or third parties, working on our behalf, make mistakes, or get things wrong. Where this happens and where we receive a complaint, we will always take this seriously, record and report on it internally and externally if required, and deal with it in a timely manner. 

6.2 We will always take steps to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. We will only disclose it to people who need to look into your complaint, and, rarely, to others where we are legally permitted to do so. 

7. Defining a complaint 

7.1 We define a complaint as “an expression of dissatisfaction, however made about actions taken or a lack of action by the HIVE, or someone acting on behalf of the HIVE.” 

7.2 Informal Complaints: Anyone who has a concern should initially raise this with a member of our team at the time, as this enables us to respond and deal with an issue quickly. We will seek to resolve this and meet any reasonable expectations the individual may have, ideally to his or her satisfaction. If unable to, make a note of: • The complainant’s name and contact details, unless he/she is unwilling to provide these. • The nature of his/her concern and anything that he/she wished to be done about it. • The circumstances surrounding the complaint, including when, where any action that was taken and the details of others who were present/involved. Our team member should advise the complainant that their concern will be passed to the Chief Officer.

7.3 Formal Complaints: Where an individual wishes to make a formal complaint, they should be provided with the email address and/or our registered address, as they wish. Correspondence should be marked private and confidential. They should be provided with a copy of this policy by post or email. To help resolve the complaint as quickly and effectively as possible, the individual making the complaint should do so as soon as possible and should include in it: • Name, organisation (if relevant), address, telephone number and e mail. o If you do not wish to be contacted in a particular way, please let us know and we will of course respect this. • As much information as possible, such as what happened, where, when (date/time), who was present and any action taken, and by whom. • What it is you felt to be unsatisfactory. • What you believe should be done to address your concern. 

8. Our process for dealing with complaints 

Stage 1 Where a complaint has been submitted, HIVE will normally acknowledge your complaintwithin five working days, explain the process that will be followed and when a decision will be made. Following a thorough and fair investigation by us to establish the facts surrounding the complaint, we will always attempt to provide a full, written response within 15 working days. There may be occasions where this is not possible, and we will always notify you of this and advise you of the date by which you are likely to receive a response to your complaint. When notifying you of the outcome of our investigation and any follow up action taken, we will confirm to whom you should submit an appeal in the event that you wish to contest the outcome. An appeal must be submitted in writing within 15 working days from the date of the letter notifying you of the outcome.

Stage 2 If you feel the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at Stage 1, you can request that the complaint is reviewed at Board level. The Board of Trustees may investigate the facts of the case themselves or delegate a suitably senior person to do so. We will normally acknowledge receipt of your appeal within five working days. We will always attempt to provide a full response to your appeal within 15 working days. There may be occasions where this is not possible, and where this is the case, we will always advise you and notify you of a date by when you may receive a response. Our response will describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation, and any action taken as a result of the complaint. The decision taken at this stage is final; there will be no further redress within the HIVE but listed in section 10 below are external organisations to whom you may refer. 

9. Complaints against the Chief Officer or a member of the Board 

9.1 If your complaint relates to the Chief Officer or a member of the Board ofTrustees it will be investigated by the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees.

9.2 Any appeal will be investigated by a Trustee who hasn't previously been involved.

10 Taking your complaint outside of the HIVE 

10.1 In the event that you remain dissatisfied with the response you have received, you are entitled to take your concerns to any relevant statutory body, including but not limited to: The Charity Commission (England & Wales) The Fundraising Regulator The Information Commissioner’s Office 

11. Review of this policy 

11.1 This policy will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees every 24 months and all complaints and compliments received will be brought before the Board for review at our regular Board meetings. Through this process of regular review we aim to improve our services to you and to ensure that any lessons learned are implemented within the organisation. 

11.2 Irrespective of the outcome of any complaint, we will consider if there is any requirement in respect of wider action and/or statutory reporting to the Charity Commission, H&SW Executive, other regulator, or the Police. 

11.3 Consideration will also to be given to whether any changes should be made to policies, procedures, training etc. to see if anything might reasonably be done to prevent a similar issue arising in future. 

12. Variation of the complaints procedure 

12.2 The Board may vary the procedure for good reason. This may be necessary to avoid a conflict of interest, for example, a complaint about a Chair or Trustee should not also have the Chair and/or Trustee involved as a person leading a Stage 2 review.
