Veterans Drop-In Portsmouth

The VOS Drop-In takes place on the first Wednesday of every month from 1400 to 1700 (new registrations welcome to arrive from 1330) in the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth.
There is plenty of on-street parking, a nearby car park and bus routes to get to the RMC. Please contact us beforehand if you need to chat about transport options.
What happens on arrival:
1330 onwards– new registrations. You will be met at the entrance and helped through this process. We have to ask a few general questions, take some permissions from you but this is all done in a sensitive way. There are quiet spaces available if you need. Everywhere is wheelchair accessible and therapy dogs on leads are welcome.
1400 – 1700 all welcome. We will meet, greet and support you to access what you need. We have many delivery partners available to support you, quiet areas, clinical triage and a social space with a brew and friendly volunteers to chat to.
Who can you see?
VOS Volunteers and Staff are on hand in VOS t-shirts to chat and signpost you.
VOS Clinical Team – you may be able to see the clinical team for triage. This includes triage by our Substance Misuse officer if needed.
Partner Organisations – we have approximately 40 partner organisations who regularly attend our Drop-In to coordinate support you may need.
If you need to contact us outside of the Drop-In day please contact the VOS office.