HIVE Directory: Parent & Toddler

Baby Basics Portsmouth & Havant

BABY BASICS is a referral based baby bank. The Criteria is based on Agency assessment for need to refer.

We offer Moses basket starter pack hampers, for the unborn/expected baby, clothing bundles, Prams, buggies, Cots, bouncer chairs, baths.
We cannot supply car seats, electrical equipment or used bottles. The items we supply are new and pre-loved.
0300 302 0090

Connors Toy Library

Connors Toy Library Sessions are open to all parents, carers, childminders, foster carers and grandparents. Sessions are £3 per family and include a play session, craft activity, snack, toy loan and singing to finish.

The mobile toy library was developed when other service providers asked us to visit their settings to provide a play and toy loan session for families they are supporting. We continue to work with the Hostels, Refuge and teenage project as requested across the City.

We soon recognised that confident families would attend their local Toy Library session but those suffering with post natal depression, feeling isolated, lacking in confidence or new to parenting didn't attend. It was then that out outreach project was developed. Providing 1:1 support for families for as long as they need it. Families can be referred to our service or self refer themselves.

Within the Toy Library sessions families that appeared confident would talk about concerns or issues including behavioral concerns, weaning, toileting, sleeping, attachment etc.. we are able to provide support, sign posting or referral onto the appropriate service where needed. It from here our Early Intervention project was introduced. We also support parents with domestic abuse, post natal depression, substance misuse, financial concerns and housing - signposting them to and gaining the support they need at such a difficult time.

Our child carers Toy Store is available for all all families with membership starting at just £20 per year.

Professionals working with and caring for others people including foster carers, nurseries, childminders, speech and language, playshemes, Portage etc can join ensuring all provisions have access to good quality, educational and fun toys and resources for all children to enjoy.

Families with children with additional needs can access the Child carers toy store to borrow specialist toys and resources to support their child learning and development within their own homes.
St George's Square
02392 832926

Family Church: Empower Centre

Family Church
83-87 Kingston Road

Rhyme Time and Story Time

Portsmouth Library Service run weekly term-term rhyme times for babies and story times for toddlers and pre-schoolers.

The EC Roberts Centre Day Nursery

We are an organisation with a reputation for developing innovative responses to people who are struggling to improve their family’s difficult circumstances whether from homelessness or family breakdown. We work with families, children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The Roberts Day Nursery is a safe and stimulating environment for children from birth to 5 years. Open 51 weeks of the year from 8 am to 6 pm. 
84 Crasswell Street
023 9229 6919

The Stacey Centre

At the Stacey Community Centre we are dedicated to giving a friendly and helpful service welcoming our community in all that we do.

The Stacey Centre is run as a registered charity by The Stacey Community Association which is made up of local resident volunteers and trustees.

We welcome new Association members who meet regularly once a month to promote the interests and vision of the centre. Membership is open to everyone, please contact us for the next meeting date.
023 9261 7890

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