HIVE Directory: Bullying

LGBT Foundation - Domestic Abuse Support

Domestic Abuse Support - We Can Help You

We have a range of different options we can offer based on your individual circumstances.

LGBTQ+ Independent Domestic Violence Advisors - Our Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) provide support to LGBTQ+ people currently at high risk of Domestic Abuse from partner(s), ex-partner(s), or family members. This includes support for LGBTQ+ people who are experiencing or are at risk of honour-based violence/abuse (HBVA), forced marriage, stalking, and coercive controlling behaviours.

Reclaim Team - Our Reclaim team offers support to those who are currently or have previously experienced Domestic Abuse from a partner(s), ex-partner(s), or family member(s) and may not require support from an IDVA.

You will be allocated your own dedicated caseworker who will provide a safe, supportive, and non-judgemental environment where you can discuss the issues you have been experiencing and support you to make informed decisions about your situation.
0345 3 30 30 30

Victim Support UK

Help after crime
The Victim Care Service delivered by Victim Support provides free, confidential support for anyone affected by crime who are residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight aged 4 upwards. Our aim is to help you cope and recover from the effects of crime, in a way that suits you. We know that crime can impact people in many different ways, that's why we provide tailored support based on an individual's needs.
0808 178 1641

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