Support For Veterans

The Not Forgotten

Through social activities and challenge holidays, The Not Forgotten combats isolation and loneliness amongst the Armed Forces community.

We support any serving man or woman who is wounded, injured or sick and any veteran with a disability, illness or infirmity; whatever the cause and whenever it arose. Any serving or former member of The Royal Navy, The Royal Marines, The British Army, The Royal Air Force and The Merchant Navy, both Regular and Reserve Forces, may be eligible for our help.
0207 730 2400

The Ripple Pond

The Ripple Pond supports the adult family members of British Armed Forces serving personnel and veterans (including reservists) who are living with a physical or psychological injury. Our peer support network enables our members to connect with others in similar situations, in a safe space and within their own right. We know how vital support for the family is and we cover the whole of the UK including families overseas. Our virtual support services consist of peer support, talks and events, intelligent signposting and, in exceptional circumstances, specialist 1:1 support from a volunteer.
0333 900 1028

The Royal British Legion - Kit Bags Live On

Kitbags Live On is for veterans who have dementia that live in the community. This includes anyone who has served in the British armed forces. Veterans are expected to attend with carer.#
Kitbags Live On is an activity group run by the Admiral Nursing Service, a group facilitator, and volunteers who have been selected for the role due to their experience of both caring for someone with dementia and service life.
If you would like to attend, please call the Admiral Nurse Service on, 023 8202 5787. For further information call Cliff Cropley the Group Facilitator on, 07458 134672

The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust

RNBT gives help, in cases of need, to serving and former Royal Naval Ratings and Royal Marines other ranks, which include Reservists; they are known as Primary Beneficiaries. We also help their partners, children and some others connected with them, they are known as our Beneficiaries.

The RNBT makes grants to meet a wide range of needs including food, clothing, rent, home repairs, medical needs, respite breaks, mobility aids and much more. We also support independent living with regular charitable payments. We can give grants towards the cost of domiciliary care and care home top up fees.

Our vision is: Sailors and Marines helping Sailors and Marines - now and always.

If you need our assistance, please contact the Royal Naval Family and People Support (RN FPS) or your local branch of SSAFA or The Royal British Legion and a caseworker will be able to talk with you.
023 9269 0112

The Veterans’ Mental Health Transition Intervention and Liaison Service (TILS)

The Veterans’ Mental Health Transition Intervention and Liaison
Service (TILS) is a specialist service supporting Armed Forces veterans,
experiencing a variety of challenges post-discharge.
Our goal is to quickly and accurately assess the support that you or a family
member might need and liaise with the services that can help.

Some of the issues we can support you with:

• Mental health difficulties
• Housing, finances and employment
• Referral to other services and charities
• Referral into our complex treatment service if appropriate
• Information to help families and carers

Togetherall UK

Being able to talk to others, share experiences and forge new relationships, is vital for our mental wellbeing. Togetherall (formerly Big White Wall) is your anonymous online support network, available 24/7, whenever you need it. Togetherall is free to all military serving personnel, reservists, veterans and family members, aged 16+.

The service offers a combination of resources, including online support through its moderated community of members, self-assessments, self-guided support courses covering a range of topics and a library of useful resources.

Veterans Mental Health Support—Riverside Sanctuary

As a charity, we have been supporting homeless, vulnerable and marginalised people for 30 years. We help them transform their lives, providing accommodation and support to help them build skills, confidence and opportunities to live a fulfilled life.

Within our Homes and Services we work with:

- Those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
- Veterans (through our Homes for Veterans initiative)
- Young people and young parent and babies
- Adults with learning disabilities

Our vision is a society where everyone has the opportunity to live a fulfilling life.
0808 2803528

Veterans Outreach Support

Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) offers Welfare, Wellbeing and Clinical provision to UK Armed Forces & Merchant Navy Veterans, as well as to spouses/partners.

In addition to running monthly Drop-In facilities, we organise wellbeing activities throughout the month and enable access to bespoke welfare and mental health support.

VOS is an Armed Forces Covenant Employer. We support and encourage service spouses, veterans and reservists in the workplace.

The Royal Maritime Club, 75-80 Queen Street
023 9273 1767