Welcome to Friday Funding - Hive is here to help with funding searches and queries. Tell all your friends!
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email Hive - grants@hiveportsmouth.org.uk
If you are interested in applying to any of the funders below, get in touch to find out what support we can offer
If you have a successful bid, do let us know and we can share your good news!
Portsmouth Lottery grants
We recognise the incredible contribution and role our local charities, not-for-profit and voluntary sector organisations play in the local community. We’re able to offer one-off grants to local good causes through our small grants fund. This is possible thanks to the Portsmouth Lottery.
This round of the Portsmouth Lottery is now open
You can apply for up to £1,000 of funding for your project or service.
Your activity or service should take place in Portsmouth, or directly benefit Portsmouth residents.
The closing date for applications for this round of funding is Friday 26 February 2021 by 5pm
To apply – email portsmouthlottery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to request an application pack.
You can send your completed applications:
Via email portsmouthlottery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Via post by printing the form out and posting to Portsmouth Central Library, Floor 1, Guildhall Square, PO1 2DX
Find out more here and join the Portsmouth Lottery as a good cause here
Women Thrive Fund - Rosa and Smallwood Trust have partnered to launch a new fund for specialist women's and girls' organisations in the UK. Grants of up to £40,000 are available for organisations supporting women and girls to build their financial resilience and/or improve their mental health and wellbeing. All grants are available for up to one year
Join Rosa and Smallwood Trust for a series of 'How to Apply' webinars on February 25th, March 8th and March 18th to learn more about applying to the Women Thrive Fund. Expect a short presentation from us and plenty of time to ask your questions. https://rosauk.org/events/
Deadline for applications is 5pm on Thursday March 25th
Find out more here
Grocers' Charity - Memorial Grants - One-off grants are available to small UK registered charities for work in the specific areas of: relief of youth poverty, the disabled, the elderly, health, military, and the arts and heritage.
Funding is at the discretion of the trustees. One off grants of up to £5,000 are available, with larger grants being made for more exceptional projects.
The Grocers Company has a tradition of dispensing monies to charitable causes and in 1968 it founded the Grocers' Charity, through which it offers financial support a wide range of charitable causes.
The online enquiry form may be submitted at any time and applications are usually considered four times a year.
The next deadline for an initial enquiry is 9 March
Find out more here
Chapman Charitable Trust - Grants are available for charities that support wellbeing, the natural environment and the arts through activities located in North Wales, London or South East England.
Grants are usually for £1,000 or £2,000, although larger grants will be awarded at the discretion of the Trustees in exceptional circumstances.
The Chapman Charitable Trust is a UK grant-giving charity which provides funding to organisations which promote wellbeing, conserve the natural environment, and increase the accessibility of the arts.
The next deadline for applications is 28 February 2021
Find out more here
Skinners Company - Lady Neville Charity - One-off capital grants are available to grassroots charitable organisations in the UK that are offering a diverse range of activities and interests within one of the Charity's areas of priority: local heritage, local community; and performing arts and visual arts.
One-off capital grants of up to £1,000 are available for projects with a total cost of less than £10,000.
The Skinners' Company is one of the 'great twelve' City livery companies. The company is no longer associated with the craft controlling the use, production and sale of furs used for trimming garments for people of exalted rank, but continues to administer its own corporate property and charitable trusts.
The objective of the Lady Neville Charity is to provide grants that will make a clear and significant contribution to grassroots charitable organisations offering a diverse range of activities and interests.
Deadline for application is 12 March 2021 - Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations based in the United Kingdom whose total annual income is less than £100,000 per annum are eligible to apply.
Find out more here
Tudor Trust - Grants are available to smaller community-led groups that support people at the margins of society in the UK, encouraging independence, inclusion and integration.
There is no maximum or minimum level of grant, although it is unusual for a grant of less than £10,000 to be made. Grants are usually for one, two or three years.
Funding is sometimes available over a longer period, usually by making a further grant following on from the original one.
The Tudor Trust is an independent charitable trust that supports work which tries to meet the many different needs of people at the margins of society in the UK. The Trust is interested in how organisations tackle these needs and their root causes. It does not have any specific funding programmes to advance any particular agenda, but it is keen to work with organisations that have a real understanding of the challenges facing the communities they support and a clear sense of the difference they seek to make through their work.
Applications can be made at any time
Find out more here
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation - Grants are available to smaller charitable and not-for-profit organisations in the UK to fund community and family support projects in areas of extreme urban deprivation or deprived rural areas.
The Foundation offers the following support:
Grants for revenue costs (including core costs, salaries, running and project costs)
Small grants of £2,000 to £10,000 for one year
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, founded in 1997, is an independent grantmaking foundation which makes approximately 150-200 grants totalling around £2.5 million a year with the aim of improving vulnerable lives in disadvantaged communities of the UK.
Grants are available to support the revenue costs of small and medium-sized charitable organisations with a demonstrable track record of success working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts in the UK.
Applications for small and major grants are accepted at any time.
Find out more here