Warm spaces, welcome places

In partnership with Portsmouth City Council we have put together a list of friendly and warm spaces where residents can meet others, participate in activities, get a warm drink or meal, or spend some quiet time away from home.

We hope the list will be a useful resource for residents this winter. and we would encourage more venues and groups to contact us if they would like to be added to the list so we can make sure there is a good spread of welcoming spaces across the city. This could be somewhere warm for friends to meet up, somewhere offering free activities or a place where someone could make new friends in their local community.

Those who run venues or groups in Portsmouth who wish to be offer a free welcoming space to residents this winter should send details to info@hiveportsmouth.org.uk or call 023 9400 7124.

The warm spaces, welcome places list can be found at www.portsmouth.gov.uk/warmspaces or call our Helpline on 023 9400 7124 to request more information about warm spaces.