HIVE Directory: Long-Term Health Conditions

GIST Cancer UK

Support for those diagnosed with Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST) cancer.
0300 400 0000

Harbour Cancer Support

Harbour Cancer Support offers practical and emotional support for anyone affected by any cancer.

Drop-In Centre

Trained staff and volunteers are always available to welcome anyone to the centre. They are there to sit and listen, when wanted, help in finding information, explain the services on offer and refer to a therapist when appropriate. Alternatively just call in for a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy our relaxing surroundings.
2 Stoke Road
PO12 1JB
02392 501503

Information for Health Enquiry Service

The Information for Health Enquiry Service helps you find up to date and accurate information on a health condition you have been diagnosed with.

There's a confusing array of health information online and it's very difficult to find health resources that are trustworthy, so we will recommend books and reputable websites that can help you manage and understand your condition. If there are any local support groups or charities that can offer practical and emotional help then we will also find them for you.

We're working in partnership with the librarians at the Queen Alexandra Hospital Library so have access to the latest medical journals and research.

To make a one to one appointment call Pat Garrett 023 9268 8259 or Jacqueline Garrard 023 92688049. Alternatively email
Guildhall Square
023 9268 8259

PCaSO - Prostate Cancer Support Organisation

Support group for those dealing with and diagnosed with prostate cancer.
PO10 7ZP
01489 892168

Portsmouth Breast Cancer Friends

In 2001, the Breast Cancer medical team at the Queen Alexandra Hospital invited a group of women to form a support group. At the time this group of women were being treated for breast cancer and undergoing the regime of treatments required for beating the disease and Portsmouth Breast Cancer Friends support group was formed. We are a friendly group of people that have had Breast Cancer. We are there for each other.

Southwick Hill Road

Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association – Footprints

Portsmouth DSA is an award-winning charity committed to improving the lives of children and families. We know our young people can succeed when given the opportunity and with the right support, and we believe they deserve the same opportunities and right to experience success as their peers. Portsmouth DSA provides a range of some of the best specialist services in the UK supporting development and education and offers training to assist families and professionals in providing effective support from the point of diagnosis, helping to teach children the skills they need to reach their developmental milestones, succeed at school, and become valued and productive members of their communities. When children with Down syndrome are given opportunities to participate and be fully included, the whole community benefits.

We are based at the Sarah Duffen Centre in Belmont Street. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about what we do, or if you would like to come along to meet us.
0333 1212 300

Portsmouth South Asthma+LungUK Support Group

At Asthma + Lung UK, we believe that every breath matters - and that the right to breathe freely applies to everybody, regardless of income, age, ethnicity, gender, or background.

Make new friends who know what you’re going through, and learn more about living with a lung condition
Marsden Rd
0300 222 5800

Rainbow Trust

Rainbow Trust provides emotional and practical support to families whose son or daughter is affected by a life threatening or terminal illness. This includes parents, carers, the unwell child, brothers, sisters, grandparents and help with extended family members to support each other.

Any family can receive support from the moment of their child or young person’s diagnosis, (including antenatal and neonatal periods when diagnosis has been made) and support with young people during transition towards adult services up to the age of 18.
Rooms at Calmore Community Centre
Calmore Drive
SO40 2ZU
02380 232129

Rowans Hospice

Rowans Hospice is providing a full range of clinical and support services; within the Hospice, the Living Well Service and to people within their own home.
Rowans Living Well Service is open 5 days a week (from 10 am - 4 pm), people with a life limiting condition, the carers and those that have been bereaved can ‘drop in’ to the Centre, for support, advice and sign posting; potentially accessing support from the programmes of care that are on offer. A communal café provides snacks and a small selection of hot meals within the Centre.
Rowans Hospice offers palliative and end of life care to people affected by life-limiting illnesses, to include family members, carers and friends, throughout Portsmouth and South-East Hampshire within its building and to people within their own home, to include specialist multi-professional advice; and reablement social work and specialist dementia support in Portsmouth. We value life, quality of living and foster hope, supporting people to maximise their health and wellbeing and plan ahead for their future care needs. Rated 'Outstanding' by the Care Quality Commission.
We care for adults 16+, Bereavement services are for both adults and children.
Purbrook Heath Road
02392 250001

Rowans Hospice - Living Well Centre

A Centre for support for people with life-limiting illnesses
Rowans Living Well Centre drop-in service is available Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 – 16:00. The Living Well Centre offers a range of both face-to-face and virtual activities, and the opportunity to meet new people who can support and guide you. Please see below for full details on all available activities or contact us for more information.
Purbrook Heath Road
023 9224 8011

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