St Colmans Church


Welcome to our Catholic Churches serving the Parish of St Colman's with St Paul, Portsmouth. We share the message of Christ and worship Him together. At the same time, we extend His love and His welcome to the world at large, as best we can. God bless and please do take the time to visit us when you can. Please see the Home page of the Website which has got information on weekdays mass schedule.


Email Address:
Phone Number:
023 9237 6151

Further Information

Age Ranges:
0-1, 1-3, 4-11, 12-17, 18-25, 26-64, 65+

Feedback Form

Please note this form is to inform HIVE Portsmouth about updated information or errors in the listing above.

If you wish to contact the service in this listing please check out the links in the Contact section above.

Reason for submitting feedback
We welcome feedback on the information recorded here for this service organisation.  If you are the designated contact for this organisation, you can use this webform to let HIVE know that the information displayed here is up-to-date and correct.