Adult learning

Learning Place

The Learning Place is Portsmouth City Council's Community Learning Service.

Our service an adult education service, which includes Family Learning. It offers courses to anyone over the age of 19 and families in the community.

ages are 19+ and their 19th birthday must have been before 1st August of the current academic year that the course is running.

The Community Learning Service Provides opportunities for high quality friendly and enjoyable learning, covering themes of Learning For Work, Learning for Life, and Learning for Pleasure.

6 Derby Road
North End
02392 621860

Lip Reading Support - See2Hear

Lip Reading and Managing hearing loss
If you have some hearing loss or are feeling isolated due to failing hearing, lipreading can help to build your confidence
Anson Road

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial careers advice, information and guidance. Our service is available to anyone aged 13+ no matter what stage of the careers journey you’re at.
0800 100 900

Princes Trust

The Prince’s Trust programme is for 16–30-year-olds who are unemployed and lacking in qualifications or confidence.
It’s a great opportunity to develop your existing skills and gain new ones.
Southampton Central Library
Civic Centre
SO14 7LW
0800 842 842

Read Easy Portsmouth

Read Easy Portsmouth support local adults who want to learn to read or improve their reading skills, at their own pace and without pressure. Read Easy will provide those who want to learn to read with a volunteer to help them, special reading manuals to work through, and a place to meet. Above all, it's confidential, and free of charge. This is suitable for any adult who wants to learn to read or who struggles with their reading. Whatever someone's starting point, each person will be taken back to basics and can then work at their own pace, so there is no pressure.

Royal British Legion Industries

Our Lifeworks programme offers tailored employability support to Armed Forces veterans and the families of those currently serving. Courses and support are tailored to suit the requirements of those who need it and our specialist advisors are on hand throughout your journey to help you find an opportunity that is right for you. On completion of the course you will have an internationally recognised SQA qualification.
Our 4 day courses are held both across
the country and virtually, ensuring our
skills and expertise reach every corner of
the UK. Including:
• Coaching for change – covering how to
navigate new situations and make them
work for you
• CV building and writing – how to
showcase skills
• Completing application forms – how to
demonstrate interest
• In-depth interview preparation –
managing nerves and difficult questions
• Recruitment cycle – to help better
understand the processes
• Mock interview and feedback – with
a specific industry and an experienced
recruiter with feedback
• Vocational assessment by a trained
assessor – specialist assessment tools
to help determine what is best for the
Lifeworks has a team of highly
skilled support staff, assessors,
and trainers with many years
of experience in helping those
with close links to the Armed
Forces back into employment
or training.
After attending a course, the Lifeworks
team are still here to support. We’ll be in
contact at regular intervals and available
to help in any way we can. Whether it’s
an informal chat to learn about your
progress, or if you need a hand with a job
application, we remain on-hand to help.
No matter the military affiliation, how
long served, or current circumstances;
whether you have served in the Navy,
Army or RAF, Lifeworks is here to help you
reach your career goals. Ex-servicemen
and women are all eligible for help.
The courses are free as they are funded
by organisations keen to assist us in
providing support to those we help.

Skills2Achieve - Enham Trust

Aged 16-19? College not working out for you? Want to gain qualifications in a smaller environment tailored to your needs?

Skills2Achieve is the destination for you! Our vision is for every young person, irrespective of circumstance, to have access to good quality education and work skills training during their transition from adolescence to adulthood.

With us, you can achieve your English and maths Functional Skills qualifications, from Entry Level up to Level 2. But that's not all, you will also gain employability qualifications, invaluable work experience opportunities, careers advice and involvement in partnership projects in your local community.

Learning with Skills2Achieve for employment and skills is not like school and college...

We don’t have term times so you can join us when you’re ready.
It’s a much more relaxed atmosphere, so we can be flexible in how we teach you.

We have smaller group sizes to give you the support that you need.
We are part of Enham Trust, so you'll benefit from a wide range of expertise and opportunities across the organisation.
There’s so much on offer…

City & Guilds English and maths Functional Skills qualifications
AQA accreditations in employability, social and life skills
Collaboration with local employers providing individualised opportunities for work-related skills and experience
Partnership working that provides enrichment opportunities and real-life work skills development outside of a classroom
Pastoral support to help young people build resilience, confidence and self-esteem
07734 909625

Social Enterprise Link

Social Enterprise Link supporting organisations and individuals

Creating and providing opportunities for social, cooperative, community and trading charity enterprises

The Learning and Training Acadamy

We at The Learning and Training Academy, accept that all of us have special needs of some kind or another. We teach with belief that we all want to be accepted, and have the chance to learn, grow, and to feel valued.

Employability courses available for small groups and 1:1

Contact us for more information on:
07933 928532
023 9216 0974
07515 393425

The Read and Grow Society

Read and Grow is a voluntary group teaching local people to read.

Read and Grow is a Society that is as strong as the communities that are passionate about community literacy. Together we can do more than we can alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change now and for the future.
23 Queens Street
02392 892010