Chop Cook Chat

Chop, Cook, Chat teaches basic cooking skills to men aged 18+, including those who have had a change in circumstance such as a bereavement or becoming a carer.

It’s a great opportunity to meet other men in a similar situation as well as learning the skills needed to prepare healthy meals.

The cost of each session is £5, which includes refreshments, tasters and food to take home.

Our current Chop Cook Chat groups are:

Cosham Baptist Church, 48 Havant Road, Portsmouth - Wednesday - 10.30 to 12.30

Hilsea Hub, 11b Howard Road, Portsmouth - Wednesday - 10.30 to 12.30

Carers Centre, 117 Orchard Road, Southsea - Wednesday - 1.00 to 3.00

For more information, contact 023 9284 1762 or email


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POINT (-3.276575 54.702354)
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Portsmouth City Council
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