HIVE Directory: Sports Centres / Clubs

GP Aqua Fit @ Mountbatten Leisure Centre

GP Aqua Fit
023 93 200401

Havelock Community Centre

The Havelock Community Centre is a friendly centre, offering a wide range of activities and groups for all ages.
324 Fawcett Road
02392 295821

The Healthhub Co. is a community health and fitness resource centre.
07711 769349 - Sally

Heart of Portsmouth Boxing Academy

Heart of Portsmouth Boxing Academy, Omega Street, Portsmouth PO54LP. Mon & Wed junior boxers. Tue & Thu Senior boxers ring David Johnson on 07885 797577.
Omega Street
07885 797577

Hillside Youth Club

Age Range 11+

Hillside Youth Club gives young people a place to go outside of school, free of charge and offers them a sense of belonging. The activities and support from youth workers allows the young people to learn new skills, build confidence and resilience for the future- as well as have fun! It really can be life changing to come along and join in!
023 9288 2551

Hilsea Lido Pool for the People Trust

Hilsea Lido Pool for the People Trust is a registered charity. Volunteers manage the charity & operation of Hilsea Lido, assisted by employed lifeguards. We are creating a sustainable future for Hilsea Lido & every year sees improvement and new opportunties for fun & activity. Under normal circumstances we have a busy timetable of sessions, for more information visit
07903 823347

John Pounds Centre

The John Pounds Centre is Portsmouth’s flagship community and enterprise facility boasting a 350-seat capacity multi-use Sports Halls, Gym/Fitness Suite, Meeting & Training Rooms, IT Suite, Arts Spaces, Library, Youth Rooms, Nursery, Launderette, Office Space, and Cafe, providing affordable and accessible activities and services to local residents and the wider city.

The John Pounds Centre has established a reputation for its quality of service as it seeks to encourage Wellbeing & Healthy lifestyles to all its members.
23 Queen Street
02392 892010

Landport Community Centre

Now part of Enableability

Community Centre and Cafe

Office hours:
We open every day from 09:00am to 15:30pm
023 9229 6703

Learn Martial Arts - Portsmouth & Fareham

Learn Martial Arts - First Class FREE - Beginners Welcome - No Need To Book - No Hidden Fees. Martial Arts in PORTSMOUTH and FAREHAM. Kenshinkai Aikido Martial Art is a Japanese martial art of self-defence which is ideal for all ages and all levels of fitness.

MAN V FAT Football

MAN v FAT is for men who want to lose weight. We run the award-winning weight loss programmes MAN v FAT Football and MAN v FAT Challenge, providing guidance, resources and community support to thousands of men all over the world every year.

MAN v FAT Football is football with a difference. Your weight loss progress directly impacts your team’s performance, and together with your teammates, you’ll work to score goals both on and off the pitch.

Even if you haven’t played footie since you were a kid, MAN v FAT Football is a fantastic way of improving your health – and 90% of players lose weight.

0345 163 0042

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