Support Services

Portsmouth City Council Occupational Therapy Service

The Portsmouth City Council Occupational Therapy Service is provided by Portsmouth City Council Adult Social Care.
Civic Offices
Guildhall Square
02392 680810

Portsmouth City of Sanctuary

Portsmouth is a city proud to offer safety and sanctuary to anyone fleeing violence and persecution or who is isolated and seeking safety. With dignity and compassion, we welcome all people seeking sanctuary, and we are committed to building work streams of action to offer support accordingly.

Portsmouth groups and citizens have come together to form a City of Sanctuary, sharing a vision to confidently demonstrate inclusiveness, openness and participation. The group formally launched in June 2019 at Portsmouth Guildhall, and is now a registered charity needing your support, including volunteering! PCoS is part of the national non-political/religious City of Sanctuary movement, has full Portsmouth City Council endorsement and the support of around 120 local organisations.

The Refugee Sanctuary Hub meets at All Saints Church, 336 Commercial Road, PO1 4BT, every Monday 10.00am - 1.00pm (Excluding Bank Holidays). Orientation paperwork, support for survivors of trafficking, support for women working in the sex industry, OISC immigration advice and baby provisions
07584 764074

Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association – Footprints

Portsmouth DSA is an award-winning charity committed to improving the lives of children and families. We know our young people can succeed when given the opportunity and with the right support, and we believe they deserve the same opportunities and right to experience success as their peers. Portsmouth DSA provides a range of some of the best specialist services in the UK supporting development and education and offers training to assist families and professionals in providing effective support from the point of diagnosis, helping to teach children the skills they need to reach their developmental milestones, succeed at school, and become valued and productive members of their communities. When children with Down syndrome are given opportunities to participate and be fully included, the whole community benefits.

We are based at the Sarah Duffen Centre in Belmont Street. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about what we do, or if you would like to come along to meet us.
0333 1212 300

Portsmouth Foodbank

Portsmouth Foodbank provides parcels of non-perishable food, guided by The Trussell Trust, who has worked with nutritionists to ensure food parcels contains sufficient nutrition for at least three days worth of healthy, balanced meals for individuals and families.

PLEASE NOTE: Many Food Banks require referrals. If you need to be referred to a foodbank, talk to your support worker (such as a health visitor or social worker)

The Portsmouth Foodbank enables people to access non-perishable food with foodbank vouchers.
Somers Road
02392 987976

Portsmouth Mediation Service

The Portsmouth Mediation Service provides mediation and restorative meetings for people caught up in conflict.
023 9206 4954

Portsmouth Rehabilitation and Reablement Team

The Portsmouth Rehabilitation and Reablement Team is an integrated health and social care team the purpose of which is to provide responsive support for people whose needs have intensified, often as the result of an acute illness.

Solent NHS Trust is the lead for this service on behalf of both Solent and Portsmouth City Council

The service is available to adults who are registered with a Portsmouth City GP.

St Mary’s Community Campus
Milton Road
0300 300 2012

Portsmouth South Asthma+LungUK Support Group

At Asthma + Lung UK, we believe that every breath matters - and that the right to breathe freely applies to everybody, regardless of income, age, ethnicity, gender, or background.

Make new friends who know what you’re going through, and learn more about living with a lung condition
Marsden Rd
0300 222 5800

Portsmouth Victoria Nursing Association

The Charity provides help to the sick or disabled who are also in financial need. Grants may be made to purchase services or equipment which are not provided by either the state or the NHS and which will directly assist a person’s medical need or improve their quality of life. Support is also given to the Community Nurses by providing help with training courses, books and special equipment not normally funded by the NHS.

Referrals are only accepted from local health professionals and community/support workers with direct knowledge of the individual's or family’s situation.
07434 617947

Portsmouth Victoria Nursing Association

The Charity provides help to the sick or disabled who are also in financial need. Grants may be made to purchase services or equipment which are not provided by either the state or the NHS and which will directly assist a person’s medical need or improve their quality of life. Support is also given to the Community Nurses by providing help with training courses, books and special equipment not normally funded by the NHS.

Referrals are only accepted from local health professionals and community/support workers with direct knowledge of the individual's or family’s situation.
01243 373900

Portsmouth Water - Problems Paying?

Portsmouth Water offers assistance to people struggling to pay their water bills.
West Street
023 9249 9888