HIVE Directory: My Emotional Wellbeing

Learning Place

The Learning Place is Portsmouth City Council's Community Learning Service.

Our service an adult education service, which includes Family Learning. It offers courses to anyone over the age of 19 and families in the community.

ages are 19+ and their 19th birthday must have been before 1st August of the current academic year that the course is running.

The Community Learning Service Provides opportunities for high quality friendly and enjoyable learning, covering themes of Learning For Work, Learning for Life, and Learning for Pleasure.

6 Derby Road
North End
02392 621860

Light and Easy Exercise - John Pounds Centre

A very light class for all ages and abilities
(with Jacqui)

Wednesday 11:15am

55 Minutes
23 Queens Street
02392 892010

Living mindfully

Mindfulness practice has been empirically proven to support our good mental health and our ability to be focused, resilient and calm. Practice helps us cope with stress and can reduce anxiety and depression as well as help us cope with physical pain. My courses and sessions are aimed at guiding and teaching effective practices to support you in your day to day life.
07939 601949

Med3 Music

Med3 Music is a Portsmouth based music group for people experiencing enduring mental health problems. We offer peer to peer support & social interaction for members who may otherwise be socially isolated through a shared musical experience.
c/o North End Baptist Church
195 Powerscourt Road
07933 748585

MHA Live at Home

Live at Home was established in 1989 by MHA, a charity providing care homes, housing and support services for older people throughout Britain.

Over 50 Live at Home Schemes now operate across the UK, enabling older people to maintain their independence and live more fulfilled lives.

These services aim to relieve social isolation and encourage older people to take an active part in the communities in which they live.
Trafalgar Place
02392 780500

Milton Piece Community Allotment

Eastney and Milton Allotment Holders Association is an Association of plot holders on the Eastney Lake, Hope Cottage and Milton Piece allotment sites. These are known collectively as the Eastney and Milton Allotments.

It is a self-help organisation that exists to:

Improve facilities at each site
Represent plot-holders' views collectively to the City Council
Organise events and social functions.
It is run by a committee that is elected annually by members at the Annual General Meeting. All those who work in the shop are either on the committee or volunteer their time to the Association.
Locksway Road
023 92 841762

Minstead Trust

The Minstead Trust provides opportunities for people with learning disabilities to experience activities that help improve their health and independence.
95 Warren Avenue
023 8081 2297

Motor Neurone Disease Association(MNDA)

The Motor Neurone Disease Association offers support for people with MND and those who care for them.
6 Summerhouse Road
Moulton Park
01604 800635

Ocean Youth Trust South

Ocean Youth Trust South is a charity which uses Adventure Under Sail as a personal development opportunity for young people aged 11-25, taking them to sea in their 30-metre vessel Prolific.
Weevil Lane
Weevil Lane
PO12 1BP
02392 602278

Pilates @ Fratton Community Centre

Pilates Classes with Sally

9:15am-10:15am – Pilates

Mat Pilates, must be able to get to the floor. Stretching and toning the body to improve flexibility and strength whilst correcting posture. Wear comfortable clothes you can move freely in.

07711 769349

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